Join our mission.

Every year, Hearts Aflame relies on donations to cover the approximately $15,000 funding shortfall between what we can realistically ask participants to contribute, and what it actually costs to run the school. Donations help us cover essential costs such as food and accommodation for Priests, religious, lecturers and our team, as well as consumables such as candles in the chapel, batteries for our tech gear, printing, first aid, transport and stationery. 

The best way to help us is to set up an automatic payment to Hearts Aflame: giving us just $25 a month would, over the year, cover the cost of a lecturer’s food and accommodation at Hearts. If 25 people contributed $25 a month, the cost for all of our lecturers would be covered each year!

Please consider how you can support our mission in 2025 and beyond through a one off donation or regular monthly contribution. As a registered charity, we are able to provide tax receipts for these donations. For 33 years it has been our mission to support young Catholics in New Zealand: please join us in our mission

Thank you for helping us reach our fundraising goal for 2025!

Your donations are helping us in our mission to support young Catholics in New Zealand!


We’re looking for 25 people to commit to $25 each month.

Can you join our #25FORHA25 crew?

You can set up your payment via automatic bank transfer or online credit card. We recommend setting it up from your bank account – that saves any transaction fees! See below for more details on how to donate via automatic bank transfer.

Credit Card Subscription

Just click the button below, complete your details, and it’s sorted!

Want to make a recurring or larger donation ?